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Sports drinks and their homemade analogues

Sports drinks and their homemade analogues

Mireia Cervera 14 April 2022

There are a wide variety of sports drinks on the market, but when should we consume them? Do they help us perform better? Which ones are the best? In this post we will see if they are really necessary and when to use them.

The practice of exercise entails an increase in sweating - an essential cooling mechanism for our body.or - and, therefore, an increase in the need for water in our body. Sodium and potassium, which are essential electrolytes for regulating water balance and glucose absorption, are also lost through sweat. Loss of water and salt, which can reach liters per hour, must be replenished abundantly with water and salt to facilitate thermoregulation. After 2% dehydration, physical performance is already reduced and after 5% there is a risk to health. Thirst isthe alert mechanism that warns when dehydration already exists and, therefore, should be prevented before it appears, drinking frequently to maintain optimal levels.

If sports are practiced in a moderate way, 30 to 60 minutes at a moderate pace three or four times a week, no special hydration is necessary, with a balanced diet and hydration, it is enough to maintain hydric balanceor. But, if you practice sports of intensity and long duration, dehydration must be solved as soon as possible. Otherwise, it can evolve from a light intensity to severe dehydration, with decreased performance., even especially serious situations, such as "heat stroke".

One of the easiest practices to know the water needs for rehydration is to measure the body weight before and after an exercise of intraining. As a general rule, 500 grams of weight loss equals 500 ml. However, when considering rehydration in physical exercise, two aspects must be taken into account:

  • Hydration before the competition.
  • Rehydration during competition.
  • Rehydration after the competition.

1. Hydration before the competition

Before, between 1-2 hours before starting, it is advisable to drink a hypotonic drink (3-5 grams of sugars per 100 ml of liquid). Coconut water is one of our favoritess, as it contains electrolytes (potassium and magnesium), sugar and vitamins. And we also recommend the Digestive Elixir or Green Love, ideal as hypotonic sports drinks.

However, it is important not to be thirsty before eating.Start the test or do sports, and look at the color of the urine to get an idea of the hydration status (light in color, indicates good hydration). Fluid needs vary greatly from person to person, making it difficult to stablemake a valid recommendation for everyone.

2. Rehydration during the competition

In general, a slight loss of fluids in a short-term competition does not affect performance, nor does ite health endangered. If you arrive at the competition well hydrated, it will not be necessary to replace fluids.

On the contrary, in long-term competitions, rehydration of lost fluids is essential. In this case, the bestr drink is an isotonic one (per 100 ml, 6-9 g of sugars, 50-70 mg of sodium and 8-10 mg of potassium). You can prepare your homemade version based on coconut water and fruit juice, or if you lack time a good option is My Sweet Horny, The Vegan Vampire orel Virus Killer.

3. Rehydration after the competition

Fluid replacement after high intensity competition is essential. A hypertonic drink (per 100 ml 10-15 g of sugars) is the solution, since it contThey have a higher concentration of electrolytes and sugars. Its main objective is to provide energy and quench thirst. It is absorbed more slowly than water.

However, if you have controlled rehydration during training, do notit would be necessary to ingest a hypertonic drink, with an isotonic one would be more than enough.

You can make your homemade versions of hypertonic sports drinks with fruit juices and salt. And, if you also add a teaspoonof ground hemp, you will provide your body with a little protein that will help muscle repair. Or you can choose our hypertonic juices: Forever Young, Miss Avena Hazelnut Meringue, Party Recovery and Sweet Heart.

From allThus, we always recommend, for adequate nutritional advice, to put yourself in the hands of a sports nutritionist.

Mireia Cervera Nutritionist Teresa Carles Healthy Foods Group - Flax & Kale