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First person detox

Talk 16: First person detox

Mireia Cervera 12 May 2022

Once again, and after a well-deserved break in summer, on September 14, our Ramon Barri Auditorium opened its doors to celebrate our Flax & Kale Talk 16, led by Jorge Abian, globetrotting experience seeker and passionate aboutdetox juices.

Most toxins and external radical agents that end up entering our body do so through the food we eat, the polluted smoke we breathe and even high levels of stress.s that we suffer and end up generating substances that are harmful to our body. When we substitute our usual diet for the consumption of cold-pressed juices , we feed our organism with liquids witha very high nutritional value and, in addition, we allow our digestive system to rest for several days, thus allowing it to eliminate all these undesirable toxic substances.

Jorge shared with us, firstto person, their 30-day detox experience with our juices. With energy and passion, he began by explaining that after 27 days of nonstop eating tacos, he became very ill. He was exhausted, with terrible stomach aches, and endedadmitted to the hospital. When he was finally discharged, the hostess of his apartment in Los Angeles, an Australian with a passion for health and food, recommended that he follow a juice-based detox diet. And this is how his pass begann for the practice of semi-fasts.

The term detox is not something that has been invented now, in the past there were cures and fasting retreats. In fact, many of us know of religions that encourage people to fast as a means of cleansing both the bodyand the mind during your spiritual practices. Thus, detox diets are still a mild and lowered post-modern variant of these ancient practices.

Jorge replaced his usual food intake for 30 days with
Jorge confessed to us that it is not easy, especially at the beginning . In his experience, the first two or three days are the hardest. "Tienit's hunger, you're tired, in a bad mood, with a headache ... but, there comes a point that everything changes; you feel more concentrated, full of energy, your senses are sharpened, you rest better ... "Jorge confessed that, since he did his first detox, hisway of eating changed radically. "I just want to eat healthy, although I confess that a paella or croissant from time to time falls."

To finish, Abian encouraged the entire public to practice a detox and experience firsthand.to all the benefits of practicing a juice-based semi-fast.

When Jorge Abian finished, question time was opened, and as always, dishes related to Talk were served as tastings. In this case, three juices were chosenTeresa's Juicery's: Detox, Green Love, B-carotene.

If you couldn't attend the Talk or just want to watch the talk again, don't miss our YouTube channel

Mireia Cervera Nutritionist Teresa Carles Healthy Foods Group - Flax & Kale

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