On January 24, our Ramon Barri Auditorium opened its doors to celebrate our Flax & Kale Talk 19: Nutrition and Sports. Eat to overcome your challenges. Led by Jordi Barri, CEO of Teresa Carles Healthy Foods and Valentí Sanjuan,ironman, ultraman and journalist.
The athlete's diet is much more than ingesting carbohydrates or drinking sports drinks. In this Talk Valentí Sanjuan and Jordi Barri discovered us, reviewing the nutrition videos deportiva of " Training of the day ", how we should eat to achieve our sporting goals in a healthy and balanced way. A proper diet, both in cantAs in quality, it is essential to optimize sports performance.
Valentí Sanjuan and Jordi Barri relived with the attendees, anecdotes and details of how they met, and how they started the collaboration for the videosAbout Training Nutrition of the Day. Valentí Sanjuan confessed that he had managed to lose 10 kilos in just under 4 months, following the advice of Jordi Barri and his team of nutritionists. All this, without starving, enjoying and improving your performance.sports training.
The way we eat is key to meeting our sporting challenges.
Valentí and Jordi reviewed the training videos of the day and analyzed the diet of the most admired athletes: Mesi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Rafa Nadal and Kilian Jornet. All of them are elite athletes who take care of detaile their diet, prioritizing vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and healthy gauze. They avoid the consumption of alcohol, junk food, processed foods and minimize the consumption of meat. But all thelo, always within a certain flexibility.
When the speakers finished, question time was opened, and as always, dishes related to Talk were served as tastings. In this case the juice was chosen"https://flaxandkale.com/es/energy-boost-cold-pressed-juice">Energy Boost, the Cashew Choco Shake vegetable drink and the tasting of some balls Janrgetics.
If you could not attend the Talk or you just want to see the talk again, do not miss our YouTube channel, where we are publishingall Talks.