American Michael Phelps is the winningest swimmer in the history of the Olympic Games. What do you eat daily to stay at the highest level for so many years?
The most successful swimmer in the history of the O Gamesclean, adds a total of 28 medals. For a long time, consistency in training, rest and diet are some of the keys. But how is your diet to be the fastest in the pool?
It tastes bad to me, but we will start the post with two bad news.
The first: no matter what we train or what we eat, we will NEVER be like Michael Phelps. Denialism is not something that is fashionable, in fact we live instasides in the opposite position (Impossible is Nothing! Where is the limit?), but this is a blatant case of the opposite: the most gargantuan talent that has been soaked in a swimming pool and perhaps the greatest sportsman of all time. Although mMixing different athletes, from different times, from sports that have nothing to do with each other, more than an affront perhaps it is a recklessness.
The second: that if we eat like Phelps we won't be like him. Thefrom Baltimore is an adonis, a perfectly crafted Michael Angelo David, a 193cm, 200-pound beast of sheer muscle, so forget it!
Now, once we have put "fences to the field" and we have limited our crazy imaginationOn with a bathroom of necessary realism, we suggest you do a simple google exercise. If you type in the search bar the name of the prolific swimmer, "Michael Phelps wife" will appear in this order (the old human habit of wanting tober of the personal and love life of famous people, No comments!) and immediately after, the google suggestion leads us to "Michael Phels Diet". ?Why is the Phelps diet almost as popular as its track record? Who has not seen YouTube videos of the "Bltimore Shark" devouring eggs, cereals, omelets and other high calorie ingredients hours before diving into the water?
This would be the daily Phelps diet according to " The Guardian ":
- 3 sandwiches with fried egg, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onion and mayonnaise
- 2 cups of coffee
- 1 tortilla
- 1 bowl of porridge
- 3 French toast (torrijas type)
- 3 pancakes with chocolate
- A half kilo plate of pasta
- 2 ham and cheese sandwiches with mayonnaise
- Several bottles of energy drink
- A half kilo plate of pasta
- 1 pizza
- Several bottles of energy drink.
Not because it is known, it ceases to be surprising, indeed, it leaves us ojiplático every time we read it. No it's not u menun fast food restaurant! But is it really what the most successful Olympic athlete in history ingests through that pinion mouth?
There is no doubt that his extraordinary training pace both inside and outside theswimming pool requires a contribution of energy out of the ordinary. But the 12,000 myth is not entirely true.
“I don't eat a lot of calories a day. I only eat what I really need "
In 2012, in an interview in the well-known magazine GQ Phelps, he clarified:
" A great hoax has been created in relation to this issue and there is no such exaggeration . This morning I had an omelette with three eggs, three tostlots of sliced bread and a coffee. To recover, I consider it important to eat within the first half hour after exercise. I try to include carbohydrates before swimming and after that ensure a protein load. I don't count calories.Whether it's Sour Patch Kids - a kind of sugar-coated jelly beans - from Reese's
Besides, also, shortly before the Olympics, this May, he personally, a video in Facebook clarified talso that:
"I don't eat a lot of calories a day. I just eat what I really need." He also explains that he loves grilled chicken and to accompany his salads with green asparagus . His favorite food is Mexican.
Personally, I think that the famous Michael Phelps diet is really a hoax that the media has been responsible for propagating and distorting to limits that border on the grotesque. But what we cannot deny is that Phelps does notit is fed in a suitable way. According to their own comments, dietitians and nutritionists in their environment make an effort to introduce some changes in their diet such as changing white flours and derivatives for their whole versions anddecrease the consumption of fast food. But it seems that he is not for the work, since he is recognized as a lover of this style of food, even "escaping" from training to buy a sandwich. It will not be by chance that I have lentyour image for some advertising campaigns for "Subway" that markets this type of snack.
Where is that flexiterian that the devotees of " Flax & Kale " practice anddo we preach? Where are the vegetables? And the fruit? And legumes? What about unrefined flours? We stop because we are going to have a syncope ...
We can affirm, without fear of being wrong, that it does. Phelps is the exception I confirmto the rule, which is not recommended to anyone, not even those athletes (or swimmers) who need high-calorie diets and we invite you, now that you have just left the elite sport, to start a flexiter diet, rich in vegetables,fruits, natural products, because only then will you be able to live longer.