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Leek properties

Leek properties

Mireia Cervera 12 April 2022

Leek is a food full of beneficial nutritional properties for our body and highly versatile in the kitchen. Find out in this post.

It is a plant known in Europe for a long time, consumed alreadyin ancient Egypt and the Far East. The Romans used it in cooking, and it is said that the Emperor Nero was passionate about leek and consumed it in soups. In the Middle Ages is when its cultivation spread throughout Europeay, from there, to the rest of the world. Currently, in Spain, the northern areas are where its cultivation is most widespread, among which Navarra, La Rioja and the Basque Country stand out.

Leeks , also known asLeek garlic, belong to the Liliaceae family and are included within the genus Allium , along with onions, chives and garlic, but unlike these, the leek has practically no bulb.three well differentiated parts: the green leaves, the elongated white bulb and an area of rootlets attached to the base. It is sown in late winter and the first plants are harvested in spring.

Nutritional properties

The properties of this vegetable are many and diverse. Like most vegetables, the leek is composed mainly of water, which, together with its low carbohydrate content, makes it a low-fat food.Caloric intake.

The leek also stands out for its richness in minerals such as potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Potassium is essential for nerve function and energy production, while calcium andPhosphorus helps strengthen teeth and bones. Also, thanks to their adequate balance between potassium and sodium, leeks are a food with remarkable diuretic properties.

This vegetable is alsoan excellent source of vitamin A; vitamin that is involved in the formation and maintenance of our cells, so it takes care of our immune system.

Finally, it is important to note that the leek , like que garlic contains allicin , a substance that is attributed antibiotic, antioxidant and hypoglycemic effects.

In the market

We can find leeks in the market throughout the year, but their best season coincides with the spring months. To conseFor quality specimens, young, medium-sized pieces should be chosen, with dark green leaves, as well as a white, straight stem with a consistent texture. Reject those that show yellowish markings and leaves.

Once at home, the best way to keep it is in a container or wrap that isolates it from the rest of the food in the refrigerator.

In the kitchen

Leek is highly appreciated in the kitchenfor its refined flavor, sweeter than onion and very aromatic. Whether raw or cooked, this plant can appear as a condiment or ingredient in many dishes. Boiled or cooked, raw in salads, soups, stews or vegetable stewss is one of the most used vegetables in gastronomy, participating as the main ingredient in such famous dishes as porrusalda, vichyssoise and Belgian waterzooi.

If you still do not consume leek often, this is the momentnto take the step. It is light, it combines well with many foods, it is satiating and nutritious. Take advantage of the fact that it is season and that it is not missing in your dishes.

Mireia Cervera Nutritionist Teresa Carles Healthy Foods Group - Flax & Kale