Corner intelligent shop
Find in our restaurant Flax & Kale Tallers, our smart corner. Find the full range of Flax & Kale products and now also brands related to our values, philosophy, sustainability, lifestyle and nutritional quality.
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How does it work?

1. Download here the APP and register your payment method
2. Scan the QR code on your app to enter the store.
3. We have 54 cameras following your purchase. Just take the products from the shelf and the system will add it to your account.
4. And that's it! Leave the store without waiting in line. In less than 5 minutes you will receive the ticket in your app.
Now find products from your favorite brands

In our corner you will find a smart shopping space and not just for its technology. All brands have been carefully selected for their affinity with Flax & Kale for values, purpose, sustainability and of course, taste and nutritional value. Enjoy!