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7 Tips to combat allergies

7 Tips to combat allergies

Mireia Cervera 11 April 2022

When spring arrives, the dreaded and annoying allergy arrives with it. Pollen is the responsible allergen. And the most common symptoms are tearing, redness, ocpain, rhinitis, frequent sneezing, fatigue and tiredness, irritability and headache. The plants that cause the most allergies in Spain and throughout Europe is the grass family. This is due to the great allergenicity of its pollens and its extensiveplant distribution. Other pollens that also tend to cause it are the plane tree, the olive tree, the birch, the parietaria and the palm tree.

Once again, diet is key and essential in combating such salt problemsyou, especially in spring or in the changes of season. It is important to provide a large amount of nutrients to the body that make it possible to strengthen health to the maximum and reduce symptoms to a minimum.

Here are 7 foods that can help you alleviate and improve allergy symptoms:

1. Eat foods rich in omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect, and are proven to reduce allergy and asthma symptoms.
Foods rich in omega-3: seeds de flax, chia seeds, oily fish, walnuts ...

2. Help yourself with magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that helps to relax the walls of smooth muscles and reduces the intensity of asthma attacks.when you breathe better.
Foods rich in magnesium: nuts, legumes, seeds, cocoa, whole wheat bread, dried figs ...

3. Reduce protein

Immunoglobulins E (IgE) aumThey occur when allergies appear, as they are composed of proteins, reducing the consumption of foods rich in protein can help you reduce the proportion of IgE. Avoid red meat and cut down on eggs and dairy. So that I will not rEstablish your sports diet and do not lack amino acids for your muscles, eat blue fish, nuts, legumes and cereals.

4. Don't miss out on fermented foods.

Fermented foods contThey have a series of substances known as lactobacillus, bifidus and acidophillus that help us to defeat potential allergies, strengthening our defenses to face the attack that pollen supposes on the body.
FoodRich in ferments: yogurt, miso, chukrut, kimchi, kefir, tempeh, kombucha ...

5. Increase your intake of foods rich in vitamin C

Foods rich in vitamin C have an even actionthihistamine.
Foods rich in vitamin C: kiwi, papaya, strawberries, red pepper, cabbage family, red fruits ...

6. Eat spicy foods

Hot chili is another wayto relieve congestion and improve breathing. Chili contains capsaicin , which increases and thickens secretions and releases endorphins, natural painkillers that make you feel better.

7. Don't miss the ginger </ strong>

Ginger has certain components such as gingerols and shogaols that act as anti-inflammatories, effectively relieving asthma and its symptoms.

With all this we will be able to greatly improve theeffects that allergic substances have on our body, although it is always necessary to see a doctor to tell us the steps to follow and the severity.

Mireia Cervera Nutritionist Teresa Carles Healthy Foods Group - Flax & Kale