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What benefits does our body have when we do sports?

What benefits does our body have when we do sports?

Mireia Cervera 01 October 2020

We know that doing sports on a regular basis brings great benefits to our body. But what happens to our body when we do sports? Surely, especially if you practice sports on a regular basis, at some point there will bes wondered what happens in your body when you exercise that makes you feel so good. In this post we explain in detail the benefits of sport.

Physical activity is inherent in natureAs a human being, we are designed to maintain daily physical activity and our body expects it. If we do not do it, alterations occur in our body that can be more or less serious, depending on other factors such as the type offood and the lifestyle that we lead. It is clear that if we have a sedentary , stressful life full of junk food, our body is going to be seriously affected, and we are going to "buy all the ballots" to suffer thetypical pathologies of our society, such as cardiovascular diseases , obesity and diabetes , as well as mental health problems.

It is more than proven that exercising regularly helps us to have good health and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Recent studies show that people who play sports on a regular basis have lower mortality rates than those who are less active.you go. A person who does not exercise is up to eight times more likely to have a heart attack than one who is in good physical condition.

Benefits of doing sports

When we exercise , and depending on the type of sport we practice, the sensations can be extremely antagonistic: from the peace of walking quietly through nature, through the adrenaline generatedrada during a soccer game, or the experience that invades us when we overcome "the wall" that appears to us at km 26 of a marathon. But, apart from these incredible and unique sensations that exercise gives us, it isThey produce a multitude of processes, most of which are beneficial, in our body. We begin to sweat, the heart accelerates, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, pulmonary ventilation increases, the metabolism accelerates, the pressure sanguineous rises, the muscular arteries dilate to multiply their blood supply, the liver releases more glucose. Although some effects produced during the practice of physical activity can be uncomfortable, all of them aren needed.

Exercising regularly helps us to have good mental and physical health.

During a training routine, the first change we notice in the body is our body perspiration or sweat. Sweat is nothing more than a natural reaction of the human body to eliminate excess heat.When we exercise, our body seeks to evaporate water through the glands of the skin to try to lower body temperature. Athletes , and people who are physically active in general, shouldstay properly hydrated to counteract fluid loss that occurs while exercising. A highly recommended way to hydrate is with the juices of our Sports Champ Pack or our Energy Boost Detox , for the nutrients they provide and for their energy value.

The pulsations are increased with the intention of pumping mmore blood to the body. If we exercise regularly, we strengthen our cardiovascular system and make it more efficient, reducing heart rate and blood pressure with exercise. So much so that it has nonothing to see our ability and endurance in the first sessions, for example, of "running", when completing 5 km is little less than a chimera, to that feeling of unbeatenness and, why not say it, of "rush" that we feel when, after six monthsfrom regular training, we are able to complete 20 km rolling like "the one who goes out for bread".

When the pulsations increase, the muscles around the lungs work to their maximum capacity until they reachWe have a maximum of oxygen consumption. The more fit we are, the higher our oxygen consumption and the greater our lung capacity, making breathing more efficient and our lungs cleaner. As data cuRious, several studies have shown that, having a greater lung capacity, can increase our intellectual capacity due to better oxygenation of the brain.

Increasing blood flow through exercise benefidirectly to the brain. With this increase, the brain cells wake up, allowing a high alertness and focus during and after exercise. This is why it is so difficult to fall asleep right after a spell.Considerable effort or training, since your body is activated! The increased oxygen reaching the brain promotes the growth of new brain cells and the secretion of chemical compounds such as endorphins adrenaline , serotonin and dopamine . All of these "inas" are nothing more than chemicals that work together to lift our mood. That is why we often see lThings become clearer and we feel more liberated right after working out, so now you know: When you're pigeonholed with an express delivery project, go for a run. You don't know which marketing strategy your best client will prefer, wellCall three friends and take a paddle.

It is known to all that practicing sports promotes the effective elimination of body fat and allows you to burn a few calories. After 15 minutes of exercise, ours muscles have already depleted the reserves of sugars stored inside and we begin to burn stored fats. The different fat molecules in our body are broken down into fatty acids and glycerin, whichthey cross the outer walls of the cell and enter the bloodstream to be used by the muscles for fuel. Fat cells shrink and our body looks leaner and more toned, one of our great goalsfor which we do sports, regardless of feeling good and the benefits it brings us.

In general, 30 minutes of moderate activity 5 days a week is recommended: walking at a good pace, dancing, cycling or, alternativelytiva, 30 minutes of intense activity 3 days a week: competitive sports, running, intense cycling ... You choose what (walking, running, swimming, competing ...), how (light, moderate, hard , accompanied, alone, with music ...) and when (tofirst thing in the morning, late at night, during work break ...). Just do it, as Jordan, the great athlete of all time, would say and say: "Just do it!"


Mireia Cervera Nutritionist Teresa Carles Healthy Foods Group - Flax & Kale