For years milk has been identified as the only source of calcium, but recent studies seem to show that kale is also a good and / or better source of calcium in addition to many other nutrients.
Today, I spoke to youWe are based on a vegetable that accounts for 50% of the "naming" of our "flag-ship-restaurant", which is none other than Flax & Kale , and as I said, the theme is about vegetables and not seeds.thus, by elimination you will know that we refer to the superfood par excellence, kale .
Kale belongs to the Cruciferous family, like cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts ... all of themexcellent source of calcium , but especially highlighting this superfood. This very fleshy green leafy vegetable is an excellent source of fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. In relation to its vitamin content, it stands outthe presence of vitamin C, K, beta carotene, folic acid and vitamin B6. To a lesser extent, it contains other B group vitamins. Regarding its mineral content, it is very rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium. As we will see belowcontains more calcium than cow's milk. But the question we must ask ourselves is: Is it absorbed equally?
The most important nutritional contribution of milk is its high content of mineral elements, mainly calcium, fophosphorus and magnesium.
All vitamins are represented in milk, although some should be highlighted: the content of vitamin B12 and retinol along with vitamin D is remarkable. Remark that althoughit has vitamin C , it is poor in it.
The fats in milk are mostly saturated, although it also contains small amounts of healthy fats. The cholesterol content of milk is moderado, 14 mg / 100 grams.
Recent studies have shown that the calcium in kale is absorbed much better than that in milk.
Cow's milk has been considered one of the best sources of calcium in the diet for years. But it seems that little by little competitors are appearing, and this is the case of SUPERKALE: 100 grams of milk contribute to our orgAnismus 113 mg of calcium , while raw kale provides the same amount of 150 mg. It seems that clearly the cruciferous is the winner. But is the calcium in kale just as biodiswearable, that is, does our body absorb it equally?
Unlike many calcium- rich green leafy vegetables, our particular kale is a low-oxalate vegetable and therefore does not interfere withits absorption.
A recent study published by Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, shows that the calcium in kale is better absorbed.r than that of milk. Here is an illustrative example:
- 100 grams of milk x 32% absorption = 36 mg of calcium
- 100 grams of kale x 42% absorption = 63 mg of calcium
With this comparisoniva is easily seen as this green and curly leafy vegetable is a very good source of calcium , due to its quantity and bioavailability.
Returning to our particular dispute, we could affirm without fear of being wrong thatThe kale is the winner of the bid, as it contains more calcium and is better absorbed. Despite its undoubted nutritional value, we most likely DO NOT eat a bowl of kale a day. Despite the mulThe many beneficial effects of this superfood not all people can take these vegetables. It has a high content of purines, which are substances that the body transforms into uric acid, so the consumption of these vegetables is not recommended.Endable for those who have high levels of this compound or kidney disease. Lastly, crucifers contain bocíogenic compounds, which are substances that cause inflammation of the thyroid gland and, consequently, prevent itto assimilation of iodine. Although these molecules are destroyed when cooking vegetables, it is best to be cautious and not consume them more than four times a week. And for all these reasons, even if she is the queen of calcium , if we are intolerantteas to lactose or we have decided to do without dairy, we must obtain calcium from other sources and not only from kale, which also. What better way than to complement it with the consumption of a little seeds, nuts, algae, tofu ... like sWe smell that the ideal is that the nutrients arrive through different foods; diversity enriches!
As Anglophones would say: "last but not least", this delicious and nutritious vegetable can be eaten raw, frequentlye is prepared boiled alone or as a garnish for other dishes. Calcium is soluble in water, and therefore will cause a considerable decrease in this mineral (72 mg per 100 grams), for this reason if we want to make the most ofThis micronutrient that kale offers us, it is best to consume it raw (like our delicious kale salad) or in quick cooking with little water, preferably steamed or sautéed with virgin olive oil.
How do you see it?ta cruciferous, apart from being 50% of the "naming" of our flexiterian restaurant , is a very complete superfood full of essential nutrients that will (and make) the delights of your (ours) dishes!