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7 Benefits of fermented

7 Benefits of fermented

Mireia Cervera 16 May 2022

Fermenting food is a centuries-old craft. The human being resorted to this simple procedure already in Mesopotamia, and it spread throughout the planet giving rise to wine, sauerkraut, kimichi, qbone and yogurt. Fermented foods were the norm in most homes. People cured their meat, fish, cereals, vegetables, legumes, drinks ... to ensure they had enough food for future needs.

However, with the advent of the industrial revolution, industrial procedures began to be used to preserve food and, little by little, this ancestral preservation technique was lost in homes.

But thanksto the latest scientific discoveries that reveal the importance of probiotic foods for our physical and mental health and the trend towards a more natural and seasonal diet, lFermented foods are back in fashion.

More about fermented at Flax & Kale Shop: https://flaxandkale.com/landing-kombucha

What does the fermentation process consist of?

Fermentation is a process that takes place in the absence of oxygen, in which a series of microorganisms, such as bacteria, yeasts or molds, break down complex molecules into simpler substances, enhancing their flavor.r and aroma and intensifying some nutritional properties of the food.

Importance of fermented foods for health:

The intestine determines, to a great extent, the correct functioning of the systemimmune, hence an imbalance in the intestinal flora can cause allergic problems and autoimmune diseases. And even due to its close relationship with the brain, it can cause neurological disorders (anxiety, depression, autism...).

Fermented foods are the best source of probiotics, hence their pride of place in promoting good gut health. Its consumption provides the following benefits:

  • The
  • Fermented products are rich in probiotic, which are live added microorganisms that remain alive and are active in the intestine and exert important physiological effects.
  • They improve digestive function and help us absorb nutrients, vitamins and minerals thatand we ingest. They produce enzymes that promote digestive processes and prevent constipation.
  • You get more nutritious and digestible food, bacteria are part of the digestion for you.
  • They strengthen the immune system.Lactobacillus control undesirable microorganisms and prevent them from settling in the intestine.
  • They provide different bacteria, increasing our bacterial diversity. Greater diversity of the microbiota is linked to meThere are no health risks.
  • Prevention of obesity and diabetes. A study has shown that the abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila (one of the most abundant bacteria in the microbiota) reduces the risk of obesity and Difir 2.

Beyond yogurt, kefir, wine and beer, there are many more fermented foods

Fermented foods

  • Marinated vegetables or pickles
  • Sauerkraut or sauerkraut
  • Umeboshi (fermented plum)
  • Miso
  • Tamari and soy sauce (made with fermented soybeans)
  • Temphand
  • Kimchi
  • Kombucha

As you can see, the benefits of eating fermented foods are very varied. But beware! Not all fermented products are the same, those sold in large stores are usually pasteurized, andtherefore, no living microorganisms. And finally, if you are not used to these foods, gradually include them in your diet as our palate must adapt to the intensity of flavors.

Mireia Cervera Nutritionist Teresa Carles Healthy Foods Group - Flax & Kale