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Green Love
Green Medicine
It’s time to clean your body!
Getting out of the routine makes it difficult for us to follow our healthy diet. Every weekend we have a birthday, a party, a wedding or an event that you cannot miss, and no matter how hard we try, we cannot ignore the temptations and we eat and drinkwe have more. Do not take away the dance! Getting your body back to normal will be very easy with our Bye-Bye Empacho. Cold-pressed juices with the best combinations of fruits, vegetables and the necessary components to help the organnism to purify your digestive system and end the annoying symptoms caused by indulgence. It's time to cleanse your body!
The consumption of food and alcoholic beverages in large quantities, especially if they are heavy and rich in fats and simple sugars, cause an overexertion in your digestive system, which can translate into heaviness, flatulence, abdominal bloating and digestion.slow stions, in addition to medium and long-term consequences such as weight gain, cholesterol, blood sugar, among others. Here are some tips to avoid all these symptoms, without giving up enjoying the party.
Choose a salad for starter; they are low in calories and high in fiber, providing a satiating effect before consuming the main dish.
If there is an aperitif, opt for grilled or steamed dishes, avoiding sausagesgone and fried.
As a main dish, the best option is a vegetarian dish or a fish. If you decide on meat, give priority to lean, low-fat and less indigestible.
Eat slowly, chewing goodn food. It will help you to be more aware of what you are eating.
Try to moderate the amount of alcoholic beverages and sugary drinks. A glass of wine or cava can be the ideal and sufficient complement for a celebration. PeRemember that the best way to quench your thirst is by drinking water.
Do not go to sleep without having digested, wait a couple of hours after the meal to lie down to rest.
With dessert come temptations.Choose a small portion or have a piece of fruit.